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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ugh, I'm sick.  I went to bed last night perfectly fine, well I had a tickle in my chest (like I smoked to much) and woke up with a nasty cough.  I hate being sick.  As the day wears on I am progressively feeling more shitty.  This is not the week I needed this.  I made plans this weekend, fun plans, plans that I talked the hubby into doing with me, plans that costed me $60.00, plans that is going to get me dinner at one of my favorite restaurants.  What are these plans you ask?  I will tell you.  My friend messaged me a couple of weeks ago about going on a ghost tour in Virginia City.  I was like hell yeah, I wanna go.  Sounds like fun.  Plus I have been wanting to do something like that for a while now.  Anyways, I told the hubby that I was going this Saturday.  Being Halloween and all makes it even more spooky and fun.  I asked if he wanted to go with me.  I said yeah, you should come, and we could hit Cafe Del Rio (Favorite place to eat there) and then mill around for a while till the tour starts at 8.  He was like OK.  So we make plans to buy tickets online this morning.  I called her and we start checkout at the same time to ensure we both get tickets.  CRAP, the 8:00 one is sold out.  Damn it.  So OK we will do the 6:00 one.  Wouldn't you know it, there was only 1 ticket left, and considering there are 4 of us going that's not going to work.  So I say maybe next year.  Hang up and go to the insurance meeting for the next half hour at work.  Then I get a note to call curly ASAP.  HHHMMM, maybe she came up with some tickets.  I call and she says why don't we do the other tour.  OK here is the other tour, Instead of walking around town in the dark, visiting places that are supposedly haunted and the cemetery (boot hill, you all have heard of that) which I am totally fine with.  This tour is at the old scary St. Mary Louise Hospital.  Supposedly REALLY haunted.  It's an art school now, but was a hospital in the 1800's.  OMG, I am such a chicken shit, but I agreed.  This is going to scare the pants off me I just know it.  Then again, nothing could happen and I will be fine, but you never know about these things.  I will give you a full report Monday.


  1. Movies & books rarely, if ever, scare me... but put me in a location that is rumored to be haunted? Jeebus! No! My mind plays every trick on me that it can.
    You are a brave woman in my eyes, ghosts or not... I think I'd still end up running away screaming. Not even kidding.
    Have fun, and I hope the cough/cold go away quickly.

  2. Here's hoping by the weekend you won't be sick, and stuff. Sounds like a good time to me, although I don't scare easily. And thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog. Much appreciated.

  3. I'm going to be clinging to hubby like flies on shit. I am such a chicken, but it will be fun!
